Now with The Park Noack Agency! PLUS, my first TV booking!

I am so excited and proud to announce that I am now represented by The Park Noack Agency for Theatrical and Commercial! This was a much-needed change, and I am so happy to be able to make it official. There are so many dark corners in this industry - it helps to have a team you can trust to help navigate the waters. Grateful to be teaming up with these wonderful professionals! Shout out to my manager Sally Hinata for setting up so many great meetings for me. Onward and upwards!

On top of this, I just finished shooting my very first television co-star role on Lena Waithe’s new show on BET, TWENTIES! What a cool creative team, and such a positive, supportive cast and crew!! I had the best time and my only complaint is that I only got to join for one short, magical day. Putting it into the universe that I would love to have my character come back in another episode and get to spend more time in this space. I loved the character that I got to play - to get to be a strong, creative female character who happens to be Asian (but whose existence / plot isn’t all about being Asian), alongside other strong women of color, is not a frequent occurrence and I cherished every moment. Grateful to the wonderful creators, producers, cast and crew, Lowry Johnson / Goldstein Casting, and the writer of the episode, Kimiko Matsuda-Lawrence. More of this, please :)